Estes Painting opened its doors in 1999, we have painted thousands of homes and businesses in Hoover, Alabama. Our disciplined system of interior and exterior painting provides for a seamless and consistent project flow that ensures customer peace of mind on every job.
What sets Estes Painting Apart? Estes painting uses only seasoned, professional painters. We never train new painters on the job, or even worse: hire subcontractors to come into your home.
Our exterior house painters are well trained in dealing with the many exterior surface types of homes and are therefore able to make any necessary repairs as we work. If a carpenter becomes necessary we have one on staff for immediate, expert repairs.
Our interior house painters can prep any interior surface and deliver the best looking result possible. We use the highest quality paints and equipment to ensure your complete satisfaction.
We require no deposit and are paid only after completion of the project and you are fully satisfied with our work.
Residential and Commercial Painting Services
by: Greg Hawkins of Mountain Brook, AL:
"We had a very good experience with the Estes Painting company which repainted our home."
by: Patricia Vance of Vestavia, AL.:
"Prompt, professional and no surprises! How refreshing your company has been!"
by: Brad Hall of Birmingham, AL:
"My wife and I want to let you know how pleased we are with our freshly painted home! Thank you!"
Estes Painting of Hoover also provides first rate commercial painting services. The first impression your customers will form of your company will be when they enter your office; we’ll make sure it is a good one!
Whether you would like to add some Wainscot paneling, crown molding, a handrail or simply need minor wood repair our professional carpenter is on staff and ready to go!
Estes Painting is well known and respected for building the best decks and fences in Hoover. We use the highest quality lumber and fastners and provide a variety of stains and wood protectants.
Please call 205-918-8982 or click free estimate below.